Fundamental Structure of VPT probe head

・probe Innovation invented Ultimate Vertical Probe "VPT (Vertical Probe Transformed inside jig) ".
・VPT broke the concept of conventional vertical probe and offer a new hopeful solution.
・The Project to commercialize VPT Probe started as joint development with Sinco Corporation in Nigata, Japan.
VPT with Iridium probes brings the following solutions:
(1) With thin pins Φ20μ, Full Array Fine Pitch 40μ is available, and next generation Full Array Fine Pitch is highly feasible.
Straight pins are transformed into curved probes inside jig. → Advantageous for Fine Pitch
(2) With probes made of Iridium, Hight CCC is available.
(3) High Productivity for high Volume of Probes (>=20k) by Automated Straight Pins Inserting.
(4) Dramatic Cost Down of Manufacturing Facility. One digit smaller than that of MEMS.
(5) Following Properties of Iridium bring low running cost and long probe life.
(Iridiums has actual achievement in long probe life, 4,000k T/D in canti-lever probes.)

Latest News
(1) As of December 2021, Sinco Corporation and Probe Innovation concluded contract of joint development in VPT Probe.
(2) Sinco Corporation and Probe innovation will make an On-Demand-Video presentation in the title, "Introduction of New Probe, VPT (Vertical Probe Transformed)", in SWTest 2022 which is to be held during Sunday, Jane 5 - Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at the Omni La Costa in Carlsbad, CA.